Northern Research Day 2019
View the Symposium Schedule HERE!
View the Program HERE!
Congratulations to all our 2019 NRD participants who gave thoughtful and engaging talks on a wide range of northern research topics!
See below for our 2019 prize winners!
What is Northern Research Day?
The goal of Northern Research Day is to provide a friendly environment for graduate students to exchange ideas and provide a stress-free forum to practice presenting your research. Most of all, our mission is to bring together students from a diverse range of disciplines and backgrounds, to stimulate conversation and connect to a new network of peers. We hope to promote discussion and help us work together to think about the most complex issues facing the North.
The goal of Northern Research Day is to provide a friendly environment for graduate students to exchange ideas and provide a stress-free forum to practice presenting your research. Most of all, our mission is to bring together students from a diverse range of disciplines and backgrounds, to stimulate conversation and connect to a new network of peers. We hope to promote discussion and help us work together to think about the most complex issues facing the North.